5 September 2020

An interview at NOVO 3 Blikveld with Henk Smeets, Jan Hogema, Wim Kievits and Peter van Lent about the Vught painter Charles Joseph Grips and the exhibition at DePetrus church in Vught.

4 September 2020

What does Charles Grips unleash in those writers? Two books, a documentary and an exhibition. The as yet unknown Vught painter Charles Joseph Grips (1825 – 1920) would be shocked by all this interest. But why all this attention? He managed to awaken the imagination of Jan Hogema, who lives in the painter’s old house, and of Peter van Lent. On the cover of the book there is a maid cutting vegetables.

2 September 2020

From 6 September to 8 November, the Vught cultural meeting centre DePetrus will pay ample attention to the centennial anniversary of the death of the Vught painter Charles Joseph Grips. The artist, born in Grave in 1825, who lived and worked in Vught from 1882 until his death in 1920, will be honoured with a major retrospective of 43 works. Furthermore, the exhibition will be accompanied by the presentation of two instructive and, above all, extremely well-kept books about the versatile artist.

18 August 2020

Jan Hogema moved to the Gripshuis in the heart of Vught two years ago. Curious about the background of the house he went googling who this Grips actually was. He began to do some research and soon came to the conclusion that ‘the old master’ should not be forgotten. He did this research together with friend and historian Peter van Lent. It eventually led to a book, a documentary, a website and an exhibition about the work and life of the Brabant painter Charles Joseph Grips.

29 June 2020

At the opening of a retrospective of his work, a new book on artist Charles Joseph Grips will be presented at DePetrus on 6 September. He lived at Vughtse Marktveld 3 from 1881 until his death in 1920. There will also be a documentary about the painter. The book costs 25 euro and will be published by the C.J. Grips Foundation. Writer is historian Heimerick Tromp who was assisted by Jan Hogema en Peter van Lent. Due to the limited edition it is wise to reserve the book in advance. To do so, send an email to


The contributors of the C.J. Grips Foundation


The contributors of the C.J. Grips Foundation